Monday 5 December 2011

More 'What's Occurring'...

I know I'm throwing lots at you at the minute, but here's a brief resume of all the 

stuff that's coming out/is out at the moment, just so you don't miss anything (see 

first comment):

Out now:

Slash and Burn - paperback (USA) Joe Hunter

Cut and Run - paperback (USA) Joe Hunter

Blood and Ashes - paperback (UK) and eBook (worldwide) Joe Hunter

Dead Men's Harvest - hardback (UK) and eBook (worldwide) Joe Hunter

Holiday of the Dead - short story anthology featuring zombies containing a short story from me under pen name Vallon Jackson paperback and eBook (worldwide)

Off The Record - charity anthology with foreword by me in paperback and eBook.

Deliver Us from Evil - YA horror novella eBook (worldwide) under pen name J A Norton

Dominion - Horror/thriller eBook (worldwide) 

Coming soon:

Early January (5th)  - paperback of Dead Men's Harvest (UK) Joe Hunter

Early January (5th) - paperback  Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 9 includes a short story from me.

Mid-January (19th) - eBook Six of the Best (worldwide) Joe Hunter

Mid February (16th) - hardback of No Going Back (UK) Joe Hunter

Darkest Hour - horror eBook (worldwide)

If anyone wants further info about any of these projects just say...


Lee Hughes said...

Oh to have your discipline. Looking forward to all the releases.

Author said...

Thanks Lee. It's not so much discipline as it is I can't contain myself!