“Rogue Island,” by Bruce DeSilva is one of the most honored crime novels of the year – winner of the prestigious Edgar and Macavity Awards for best debut novel and a finalist for the Anthony, Barry and Shamus awards.
The main character, Liam Mulligan is as old school as a newspaper man gets. His beat is Providence, Rhode Island, and he knows every street and alley. He knows the priests and the prostitutes, the cops and the street thugs. He knows the mobsters and the politicians – who are pretty much one and the same. Now, someone is systematically burning down the working class neighborhood he grew up in, and people he knows and loves are perishing in the flames. With the cops looking for answers in all the wrong places, it’s up to Mulligan to find the hand that strikes the match.
Rogue Island has received rave reviews, with The Dallas Morning News declaring that it “raises the bar for all books of its kind.” And it has drawn praise from a who’s who of best-selling crime novelists including Dennis Lehane, Harlan Coben and Michael Connelly. For example, Joseph Finder says: “With “Rogue Island,” Bruce DeSilva accomplishes something remarkable: he takes everything we love about the classic hardboiled detective novel and turns it into a story that’s fresh, contemporary, yet timeless.”
The book is available in trade paperback and Kindle editions here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_13?field-keywords=bruce+desilva&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&x=19&y=14&sprefix=bruce+desilva
and in the UK here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rogue-Island-Bruce-DeSilva/dp/0765329816/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317924054&sr=8-1
and in the UK here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rogue-Island-Bruce-DeSilva/dp/0765329816/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317924054&sr=8-1

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